Sunday 3 November 2019

Is it too late to fix your forward head posture?

You’ve probably seen it yourself, in those guys and girls who are physically active but walk around with a chicken head or giraffe neck.
Instead of a powerful, strong chest, their shoulders are hunched forward, their head droops down and their curved back almost gives them a hump.
It looks weak, unhealthy and unsightly. And it undoes all their hard work.
Office Guy Syndrome
Your neck is designed to remain vertical, supporting the weight of your skull in a perfect line from the top of your head straight down through your body to your feet.
When you look at yourself in the mirror from the side, your ear, your shoulder and your hips should all be in a straight line down to the floor. If it is unaligned and your ear is in front of your shoulders, it's a sure sign of forward head posture.
You see, the average head weighs 10-12lbs. When your head sits perfectly upon your neck and shoulders, the body naturally adapts to holding this weight.
But if your head is constantly pulled forward, the weight of your head pulls on your neck and puts pressure on your spine.
Neck Pressure
When your head is pulled forward the additional pressure on your neck, shoulders and back rises dramatically causing serious tissue damage. In fact, every inch your head is thrust forward from its natural position adds another 10 lbs of stress on the neck, shoulders, back and spine.
It’s why you may have developed that ugly ‘hump’ below your neck; to combat the stress of holding your head up, the body’s reaction has been to build-up bone and fat tissue to compensate and protect the spine at the C7 vertebrae.
Forward head posture doesn’t just leave you looking awkward… No matter how hard you train or how well you eat, unless you start fixing your head posture right now, it may not be possible to reverse the damage already done.

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Natural Health & Beauty


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