Monday 18 November 2019

Did a fatty liver kill George Michael?

Legendary musician George Michael partied hard and lived a fast life. 
Living In A Toxic World

No one denies this. 

But was it drugs that caused his tragic, early death?

According to the British coroner report it was not.

Here's what was reported on the news site

"Singer George Michael died of natural causes related to heart disease and fatty liver, according to the British coroner report released Tuesday.

While most people understand the causes of cardiovascular disease, few know anything about fatty liver and how it can lead to adverse health outcomes or - in its most severe stage - death.

The reports surrounding Michael's death don't directly suggest that his health ultimately deteriorated due to excess drugs, and alcohol.

 However, it's important to recognize these toxins can be destructive to the liver, the body's main detoxifying organ."

If you don't have a perfect diet, or you enjoy alcohol a little more than you should, there's a good chance fat deposits have started colonizing your liver. 

That's the bad news...

The good news is a fatty liver is surprising simple to fix in most cases if you catch it early enough. 

A system I recently discovered called the Fatty Liver Fix teaches you how save yourself from this growing health menace. 

Transform Your Life

"Toxins" have earned a bad reputation in the medical community.
Some doctors even get smug and condescending when you bring them up. 

It's fine to disagree but doctors really shouldn't be jerks about honest concerns you might have...

"Toxin" is just a general term to describe unhealthy agents found in our environment that can enter our body. 

An example would be lead in our drinking water. 

Another would be pesticides sprayed on our food.

Dr. Don Smith, a professor at UC Santa Cruz, has identified 689 of these toxic substances that exist in our environment. 

A toxin as we define it can also be a waste product created inside your body. 

An example of this is "acetaldehyde" which is created when your body metabolizes alcohol. 

Acetaldehyde is a literal poison and one of the primary reasons you feel like you've been hit by a truck after a night of drinking. 

If the word "toxin" is too loaded with negative connotations, you can think of what I'm describing as "internal waste".  

Why am I bringing up toxins and internal waste? 

It's because I have something I'm beyond excited to share with you.

A better way to get rid of internal waste has been discovered...
You no longer have to starve yourself on a liquid cleanse or use laxatives that cause "surprise" trips to the bathroom.

This is revolutionary for those of us who care about our health and love how we feel after a cleanse, but would rather not deal with the inconvenience of a traditional detox. 

With this new way of getting rid of internal waste you can keep eating normal foods like chicken and pasta -- you won't be limited to liquids and vegetables. 

You also won't suffer from severe fatigue -- another major annoyance you typically experience when you do a traditional detox.

And when you do what I'm about to share you won't just be removing waste from your body.

When you do this you will enjoy all the other benefits of a traditional detox, such as...

- A rush of energy
- An improved mood
- A speedier metabolism
- A stronger immune system 

This will be the most rewarding, easy to use, and life-changing information I've come across in a long time.

It combines the best of the natural health world with modern advancements discovered by institutions such as Harvard and Yale. 

It's called the Fatty Liver Fix. 

Care To Heal
Right now millions of people have livers that are clogged with fat and don't even know it.
It's almost hard to believe the benefits you can enjoy by following the simple steps to correct a fatty liver. 

It can help you body do a better job of filtering out waste and toxins and help you convert the food you eat into energy instead of storing it as fat. 

It's shocking how good you can feel with you give this neglected organ a little care. 

The link below will show you how you can start caring for your liver. 

PS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) 
Natural Health & Beauty


Saturday 16 November 2019

Can wifi radiation age you FASTER?

Can a tiny household electronic device make every single cell in your body age FASTER?

Even a “healthy skeptic” like me thought this sounded completely NUTS at first.

“There’s NO way a simple wifi router can harm your health, impair your sleep, or age you prematurely”, or so I thought.

But as I started reading this brand-new, doctor-acclaimed book exposing the pernicious ways electromagnetic radiation can disrupt human health, I realized the unfortunate truth...

Woman, Girl, Lady, Young, Talk, Talkig
EMF Exposure
Wifi Routers Might Be Handy, But The Radiation They Emit Stresses Your Body On A Cellular Level...

Wifi radiation -- one of the many kinds of electromagnetic fields, or “EMFs” we’re exposed to these days -- has now been confirmed to be a major stressor to the human body.

It’s not that surprising that EMF signals can disrupt your body’s ability to function normally.

After all...

- Your nervous system

- Your heart

- Cell-to-cell communication

- Your brain

- Your muscles

- Your retina

...they all run on ELECTRICITY!

If you ever fracture one of your bones, the only way they’ll ever be able to glue back together is by generating low-level electric shocks -- which will trigger healing. 

The point is this: your body is a bio-electrical machine which can, and does get disrupted by foreign EMFs signals, like those coming off your wifi router.

Fortunately, there are easy solutions you can start applying today to protect yourself:

The Truth About Cell Phones & Wifi

But It Gets Worse. This Cellular Stress Induced By Wifi Radiation Can Even Break Your Very DNA.

I’m NOT one for saying these things lightly, but...

...wifi radiation might just be aging you faster than DNA-breaking, cancer-causing X-RAYS.

In one German study, researchers looked at how much 24 hours of cell phone radiation damages human DNA when compared to x-rays. The results were horrifying...

The more something breaks your DNA, the longer the “tail” of the little comets you see above will be.

The conclusion? Researchers have found that 24 hours of cell phone exposure can damage your DNA as much as 1,600 chest x-rays.

Is This Nothing But A Crazy Scare Tactic?

The French government doesn’t think so.

In 2015, they passed national laws to ban the use of wifi in nurseries -- over the fear that this new kind of EMF pollution would impair children’s growth. (4)

The inconvenient truth is -- EMF pollution might just have become the #1 toxin you have to worry about at home... way before glyphosate, the kind of paint you put on your walls, or any other environmental contaminant.

The Good News (finally!): Cleaning EMFs Right Out of Your Home Can Be Cheap, And Dead Simple... 

My colleague and Investigative Health Journalist Nicolas Pineault recently released this revolutionary guide where you’ll find simple and dirt-cheap solutions you can use to clean the worst sources of radiation right out of your home environment.

Inside, you’ll learn…

- How to automatically turn off your wifi at night using a device that costs less than 9 bucks on Amazon

- How to talk on the phone without increasing your risk of brain cancer, disrupting your blood-brain barrier and suffering from headaches

- How to safely use your laptop without blasting your hormone-producing organs with disruptive radiation, causing leaky gut or putting you at risk for autoimmune diseases

- Exactly where you should put your wifi router to make sure it doesn’t destroy your entire family’s sleep quality

- What to do if your home is near a cellphone tower, high-voltage power lines, or has one of those EMF-emitting “smart” utility meters installed

I understand this does sound “doom and gloom”, but the best you can do before tech companies are finally FORCED to create brand new, safer wireless devices is to take action.

Learn how to protect yourself today.

You can get started in a matter of seconds.

But I NEED you to take the first step -- and learn the truth. It might just save your life.

 Reduce Your EMF Exposure By 95% -- And Experience Slower Aging, Better Sleep, And Incredible Mental Clarity

Here's the link again...

PS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) 

Friday 15 November 2019

Can you cure your eczema forever?

If you’re suffering from eczema, you know how frustrating it can be.
Your skin goes all red, it feels sore and it becomes flaky…

Not to mention being incredibly itchy. 

And the more you scratch… the worse it gets… 

Which makes it difficult to sleep and to do normal everyday activities. 

But worst of all… the creams you’ve bought only seem to work temporarily… before the problem comes back to haunt you again. 

It’s a nightmare… but what can you do about it?

Well, give Eczema Free Forever a try. 

It’s a 100% natural solution that’s been proven to remove the problem permanently within a few days.

All you have to do is follow the step-by-step directions.

And in case you’re skeptical, it’s backed up by a 60-day money back guarantee.

Keath Florence Eczema Before & After
Natural Solution
Eczema Free Forever
Having eczema can be a nightmare. 

Here’s what I mean…
The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to an overactive response by the body's immune system to an irritant. 
It is this response that causes the symptoms of eczema. 
Dermatologists will usually send you home with a bunch of creams and ointments too.

Which is all well and good if they work…

But the problem is they usually don’t.

Sure they might work temporarily…

But more often than not… it soon comes back worse than it was before. 

So what you really need is a natural solution that solves the ROOT CAUSE… not some useless cream made in a factory.

Something like… “Eczema Free Forever” is a 100% natural solution that’s proven to work as long as you follow the step-by-step directions. 

And the symptoms don’t come back either… it works permanently. 

But just in case it doesn’t work for you, you’re safe… as it’s backed up with a 60-day money back guarantee. 

So, if you’re ready to cure your eczema, here’s where you need to go…Eczema Free You

PS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) Natural Health & Beauty


Can you lose weight without dieting or exercise?

Do you shut the bathroom door when you’re the only one home?

I’ll bet you do.

We all do it.

Do you know why?

Subconscious programming.

Neurological Breakthrough
Subconscious programming is also why you’ve still not lost the weight you want – it’s what’s going to change so that you finally can.

Here’s what this is all about…

Diets don’t work…willpower doesn’t work

You’ve heard that before…everyone says it

…but do you know why it is true?

Because diets and working out require willpower. And willpower is a function of the conscious mind.

Here’s the thing: studies show that the conscious mind is only able to focus on one or two things at a time, and its attention span is very short.

The subconscious mind, however, can handle trillions of tiny functions every single minute that you’re alive. It makes the supercomputers at NASA look like cheap calculators.

And the subconscious is where our habits and routines live.

This is why you shut the bathroom door when you’re alone in the house.

And that is why your attempts to diet have failed: You’re pitting the conscious mind (willpower) against the infinite power of the subconscious.

Here’s how to change that...

Let me introduce you to the Virtual Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric Band Hypnotherapy
It uses hypnosis to bypass the conscious mind and tap directly into the power of the subconscious. It was developed and tested by a leading hypnotherapist and is the exact same method that she uses for her personal clients, many of whom paid thousands for the information you’re about to get for pennies on the dollar.

This is the exact product that stunned Dr. Oz when a woman on his show used it to lose 7 pounds in only 5 days.

You’ll learn…

·       The nightly ritual that makes it nearly impossible to overeat (This is what one client did to lose 30 pounds in just two months)

·       How F. Thompson in Scotland listened to Track #3 and avoided $25,000 gastric bypass surgery (He simply no longer needed it!)

·       How J. Smith in Toronto noticed a difference the first night she tried it. Learn how she never has to go to bed hungry and still loses weight

·       Find energy you didn’t know you had when you listen to tracks 4 and 5

Now, are you ready to hear something crazy?

The Neuro Slimmer System works NOT by “changing your relationship with food” but by convincing your subconscious that your stomach is smaller than it really is.

I know…sounds unbelievable.

But it’s real.

I’ll leave the details in the link below…but for now suffice it to say that the subconscious, for all its power, still doesn’t have the ability to reason.

This is why the subconscious will accept that your stomach is smaller than it actually is and react accordingly.

The trick lies in simply accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming it.

That’s exactly what the Neuro Slimmer System will do.
The Complete Neuro Slimming Diet(TM)

PS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) 


Thursday 14 November 2019

Looking for a Permanent Remedy for Bow Legs?

Having bowlegs or knock-knees is frustrating…
As it appears the only way to straighten your legs is to have expensive surgery. But that’s risky… as all sorts of serious problems can arise… and there’s no guarantee it will work anyway. Plus, the horrendous scars it leaves are downright ugly. So with this in mind… Is there a safe, natural way to solve the problem? Yes, and it’s a step-by-step system called “Bow Legs No More”. Inside you’ll discover the secret system that will straighten your legs… or your money back. Plus it’s completely safe to use in the comfort of your own home. This system has already worked for thousands of people all over the world… You can find more here…Bow Legs No More
The “Bow Legs No More” is 100% natural, safe and can be done in the privacy of your own home. Plus it’s been proven to straighten your legs … as long as you follow the directions. I would strongly recommend you check it out HERE
PS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) 
Natural Health & Beauty


Thursday 7 November 2019

Did you know your urine color determines how easily you gain weight?

This breakthrough discovery is setting the weight loss industry on fire...
Scientists and nutritionists couldn’t believe all these people with weight issues have this ONE thing...
The Test, Urine Container, Urine
Color Of Urine
The color of their urine.
Did you know your urine color determines how easily you gain weight?

No! Tell me about it.

It all has to do with the amount of water you drink...
And why if you exceed this amount of water intake a day you could wreck your metabolism.
This discovery has some doctors across the nation advising overweight folks NOT to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day.
Water, Glass, Drip, Drink, Clear, Blue
Drinking Water

Ok, that's good to know. Anything else?

And it’s not only drinking water that's a big cause for weight gain.

This controversial discovery also uncovers other deadly ‘healthy habits’...such as eating certain fruits and vegetables, or even exercising more than a certain amount or intensity. They may be the real culprits behind your ‘stubborn fat’, as they can wreck your metabolism.

That is unbelievable!

That it probably sounds almost unbelievable when you first hear about it.
Read all about this amazing program here...
Weight Dissolver

PS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) 


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