Monday 18 November 2019

Did a fatty liver kill George Michael?

Legendary musician George Michael partied hard and lived a fast life. 
Living In A Toxic World

No one denies this. 

But was it drugs that caused his tragic, early death?

According to the British coroner report it was not.

Here's what was reported on the news site

"Singer George Michael died of natural causes related to heart disease and fatty liver, according to the British coroner report released Tuesday.

While most people understand the causes of cardiovascular disease, few know anything about fatty liver and how it can lead to adverse health outcomes or - in its most severe stage - death.

The reports surrounding Michael's death don't directly suggest that his health ultimately deteriorated due to excess drugs, and alcohol.

 However, it's important to recognize these toxins can be destructive to the liver, the body's main detoxifying organ."

If you don't have a perfect diet, or you enjoy alcohol a little more than you should, there's a good chance fat deposits have started colonizing your liver. 

That's the bad news...

The good news is a fatty liver is surprising simple to fix in most cases if you catch it early enough. 

A system I recently discovered called the Fatty Liver Fix teaches you how save yourself from this growing health menace. 

Transform Your Life

"Toxins" have earned a bad reputation in the medical community.
Some doctors even get smug and condescending when you bring them up. 

It's fine to disagree but doctors really shouldn't be jerks about honest concerns you might have...

"Toxin" is just a general term to describe unhealthy agents found in our environment that can enter our body. 

An example would be lead in our drinking water. 

Another would be pesticides sprayed on our food.

Dr. Don Smith, a professor at UC Santa Cruz, has identified 689 of these toxic substances that exist in our environment. 

A toxin as we define it can also be a waste product created inside your body. 

An example of this is "acetaldehyde" which is created when your body metabolizes alcohol. 

Acetaldehyde is a literal poison and one of the primary reasons you feel like you've been hit by a truck after a night of drinking. 

If the word "toxin" is too loaded with negative connotations, you can think of what I'm describing as "internal waste".  

Why am I bringing up toxins and internal waste? 

It's because I have something I'm beyond excited to share with you.

A better way to get rid of internal waste has been discovered...
You no longer have to starve yourself on a liquid cleanse or use laxatives that cause "surprise" trips to the bathroom.

This is revolutionary for those of us who care about our health and love how we feel after a cleanse, but would rather not deal with the inconvenience of a traditional detox. 

With this new way of getting rid of internal waste you can keep eating normal foods like chicken and pasta -- you won't be limited to liquids and vegetables. 

You also won't suffer from severe fatigue -- another major annoyance you typically experience when you do a traditional detox.

And when you do what I'm about to share you won't just be removing waste from your body.

When you do this you will enjoy all the other benefits of a traditional detox, such as...

- A rush of energy
- An improved mood
- A speedier metabolism
- A stronger immune system 

This will be the most rewarding, easy to use, and life-changing information I've come across in a long time.

It combines the best of the natural health world with modern advancements discovered by institutions such as Harvard and Yale. 

It's called the Fatty Liver Fix. 

Care To Heal
Right now millions of people have livers that are clogged with fat and don't even know it.
It's almost hard to believe the benefits you can enjoy by following the simple steps to correct a fatty liver. 

It can help you body do a better job of filtering out waste and toxins and help you convert the food you eat into energy instead of storing it as fat. 

It's shocking how good you can feel with you give this neglected organ a little care. 

The link below will show you how you can start caring for your liver. 

PS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) 
Natural Health & Beauty


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