Monday 28 October 2019

What is lumpy legs?

According to the American Journal of Dermatology, a jaw dropping 90% of women suffer with “lumpy legs”...

I’m talking about embarrassing cellulite.
You know, that “orange peel skin” appearance that stops millions of women from EVER baring their legs in public

with a sexy new dress or bathing suit at the pool? From what I know cellulite is caused by toxins in your body when the fat deposits push through layers of tissues under the skin, often in the buttocks and thigh areas.
Trapped Toxins

I'm willing to bet that on your search for an anti-cellulite product, you've come across a few that have claimed to remove toxins and impurities from your body, thereby removing cellulite.

Oh dear! The truth is that neither the efficacy of toxin-removing serums, nor the claims they make about what provokes cellulite have been supported by real science.

Unfortunately, so-called “traditional treatments” such as creams, detox pills and thigh massage brushes are nothing more than short-term ‘quick fixes’ that can never eliminate your cellulite permanently.

I’ve got some good news today, though…

I recently stumbled upon a brand NEW bodyweight hack that’s been proven to completely destroy “orange peel skin” cellulite in 28 days...or less

Just take a look below: My Cellulite Solution

PS: Do you have an abnormal buildup of fat cells in your hips, butt and thighs? 

Maybe in your arms too?

If so, there's a chance you might have a condition called lipedema.

Lipedema is often mistaken for cellulite in the early stages as it can take on an "orange peel skin" appearance. However...

They are two very different conditions. 

The big difference is that lipedema is often characterized by swelling of the limbs caused by an abnormal buildup of fat cells and increased water retention.

This buildup often results in a fatty bracelet or anklet appearance above the extremities causing poor mobility and often circulatory issues too. Unfortunately...

Losing weight often doesn't help this condition and although low intensity exercise and massage can help improve lipedema slightly, the only 'true' treatment worth noting is liposuction and even then the fat cells may return 😢

On the other hand, the appearance of cellulite can be reversed using a number of methods such as dry brushing, coffee grounds, massage and consuming a collagen protein daily. However...

My fave method helps reduce “orange peel skin” cellulite in just 28 days.

Take a look at this amazing report HERE

PPS: Don't forget to claim your FREE BOOK (look top right corner) 


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